Eventbrite - Rise (joinrise.co) presents Remote Jobs - Virtual Career Job Fair - Saturday, June 22, 2024 | Saturday, December 28, 2024 - Find event and ticket information.
a ice-breaking activity that will help remote workforces come together with something we all have in common, food. Working from home, many of us, like many who have desk jobs, keep some sort of snack, food, or drink nearby. This would be a fun chance for us to engage with each ...
Virtual Assistant 5.0/5 (4 jobs) Virtual Assistant Internal Communications Email Communication Phone Communication Executive Support Google Workspace Email Support Client Management Microsoft Office Online Chat Support CRM Software Appointment Setting Virtual Assistance Administrative Support ...
By hiring freelancers or contracting with virtual assistant companies, you can on-board qualified new assistants quickly and account for them as a simple line-item expense. A friend of mine in France built his remote team in that way, explaining that employment regulations for hiring staff locally...
Given the current climate, there are more remote jobs available than ever before. For many, this is a positive, with 74% of workers saying that being able to work remotely means they would be less likely to leave their job, according to Owl Labs’‘State of Remote Work 2020’ report. ...
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Virtual job fairs take place at a designated time and are similar to a webinar. Recruiters and job seekers meet in a virtual space via chat rooms, teleconferencing, webcasts, and/or email to exchange information about job postings. Rather than just reviewing resumes,hiring managers will be a...
Let everyone grab whatever they want for lunch and simply sign on to Zoom together to chat, catch up, and enjoy each other’s company. You could even use your lunch meetings as an opportunity to learn new skills. Here’s a guide on how to host a virtual lunch and learn....
Scenes from a chat– Attendees private message scenarios to the leader, such as “unlikely crimes,”“if reality tv stars performed normal jobs,” or “bad things to say to a wedding planner.” The leader selects a scenario and two or three teammates to perform the scene. ...
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