集音频设备虚拟,混流,采集,复用等功能与一体,倍儿好用 VAC的官网地址是:Virtual Audio Cable - connect audio applications, route and mix sounds 我们可以在官网找到下载地址,当前最新版本是4.60。 如果不够买的话可以下载试用版,不过使用时会有一个女声在重复Trial 介绍 安装过程不说了,反正一路选择是就行了。
Virtual Audio Cable(虚拟声卡驱动)能解决很多电脑没有内录功能,不支持混音录制的问题。文件已去除 "trial" 声音),包含具体的安装设置步骤。按照步骤进行,亲测有效。 上传者:OJX2004时间:2022-05-21 虚拟声卡Virtual Audio Cable.zip 虚拟声卡Virtual Audio Cable.zip ...
我用的破解版的sam pro 12 1.如图中红色框标记的尖峰的地方是女声英文发音trial的地方 分享51 bandicam吧 剑光云尘 关于Virtual Audio Cable的问题十叔公,我按照你的方法去设置,但是,我想问一下Audio Repeater (KS)/Audio Repeater (MME)怎样把它给确定好啊? 分享3赞 yy吧 残梦幽月 【软件】跪求Virtual Audio...
Virtual Audio Cable(虚拟声卡驱动)能解决很多电脑没有内录功能,不支持混音录制的问题。文件已去除 "trial" 声音),包含具体的安装设置步骤。按照步骤进行,亲测有效。 上传者:OJX2004时间:2022-05-21 虚拟声卡Virtual Audio Cable.zip 虚拟声卡Virtual Audio Cable.zip ...
Both Audio Repeater versions (MME and KS) can be used free of charge, independently of the main VAC product. Trial VAC package contains the same fully-functional Audio Repeater binaries as the full version package. DRIVER-BASED SOLUTION VAC contains Windows WDM/KS virtual device driver that crea...
Virtual Audio Cable, free and safe download. Virtual Audio Cable latest version: A virtual bridge to transfer audio files between apps. Virtual Audio
program such as SDRSharp, into a decoding program. Unfortunately Virtual Audio Cable is not free, which is not in the cheap spirit of rtl-sdr, and at $25 it costs more than the dongle itself. There is a trial version, but it periodically plays a watermark voice which can break decoding...
Virtual Audio Cable (VAC) for MAC OSX thomase79758312 New Here , Sep 02, 2015 Copy link to clipboard I havn't bought Audition yet but I am using the trial (will buy it once i figure out my problem). I want to do what the person in the youtube video ([TUTORIAL] Ho...
It allows an audio data stream to be piped from a software radio program such as SDRSharp, into a decoding program. Unfortunately Virtual Audio Cable is not free, which is not in the cheap spirit of rtl-sdr, and at $25 it costs more than the dongle itself. There is a trial version,...