Virginia Tech survivor speaks ; His goal? To close the loopholes in state laws that allow private gun sales without background checks.DENNIS HOEY By DENNIS HOEY Staff Writer
tech 6 technology 12 teen 11 teenage 4 teenager 10 teeth 2 tele 15 telecom 1 telecommunications 12 telephone 5 telephony 5 telescope 8 television 11 telly 1 tempeh 1 Temple 4 Temple bar 1 ten 2 Tennessee 1 tennis 30 tennis ball 11 tennis balls 5 tennis co...
23 Horace Lam is speaking at a conference on IPR in China, presenting a session entitled 'Tech Transfer: Protecting Yourself' (IBC Legal Conferences, London). 29-30 Quentin Archer will be participating in a panel discussion on binding corporate rules at the IAPP Europe Data Protection Congress ...
Michael Two Horses was a visiting professor at Virginia Tech from fall 2003 until his unexpected death in December 2003. He was affiliated with theSicangu Lakotaand theWahpekute Dakota. During his time at Virginia Tech he taught as part of the American Indian Studies program, the Humanities Pr...
GPS tech is not true to the temperature and texture of physical landscapes. Alexa of Amazon’s Echo sometimes seems bright, sometimes moronic, but of course she’s neither; she’s not even a she, and it’s a constant category error to consider her one. Living in the flicker of that ...
Dr. Karen SwensonMiddle English Background