In the House of Delegates, Delegate Terrie Suit of Virginia Beach has been named Chairman of the Gen- eral Laws Committee and Delegate Kathy Byron of Campbell County has been tapped to serve as Chairman of the Science and Tech- nology Committee. In the entire history of the Virginia House ...
A record is generated for each unique Title Standard Code with the Adult Ed Only, OR English Learning Only, OR Special Ed checkbox marked on the staff member's District Assignment. A staff member with all three of these checkboxes marked report as three separate records. An additional record ...
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Private consultation available for fee.Assistive Technology Therapy Services, LLC TL Dubovsky, MEd, MEd, CCC-SLP PO Box 1434 Middleburg, VA 20118 (703) 231-4530 Email: info | at | Web: Providing in-home speech therapy and assistive...