1944: 简称Virginia Polytechnic Institute成为官方名称。 1970: 弗吉尼亚州议会授予大学地位,大学的正式名称成为Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University 现在,Virginia Tech大学是该大学的官方绰号,除了最正式的场合外,其他情况下都使用。 二. 院系设置 学校下设11个学院:农业和生命科学学院、建筑和城市研究学...
In May, I: made video/slideshows on Croatia, Boston and Miami; studied Spanish through The Great Courses and Duolingo; planned and booked our trip to Ecuador; worked steadily on my memoir; enjoyed margaritas and nachos on Cinco de Mayo; celebrated Mother’s Day with Alex and Mike at Agora...