Virginia Legislative Session Got off to a Noisy Start
Virginia Bill Would Require Security Paper, Watermarks on Mail-in Ballots December 27, 2024Tom Pappert Legislation filed ahead of the upcoming legislative session in Virginia would require the commonwealth to use security paper and watermarks on absentee ballots. ...
leading to a lively debate in last year’s legislative session over whether to override some local permit denials for solar projects – and if so, how to ensure the localities still have some say. Though none of the legislative
The Republican governor is expected to sign both proposals, after they passed final legislative hurdles Tuesday during a special legislative session called by Justice. Cuts to the state personal income tax have been a priority for Justice, who is nearing the end of his second term as g...
As of Tuesday’s “crossover day,” the deadline for each chamber to pass any non-budget bill that the other may consider, more than a thousand bills have survived that deadline in our state’s unusually short legislative session. They include a raft of gun-control measures, some of ...
Things came to a head later that same day over Knisely's press credentials for the 2023 legislative session, according to emails obtained by the AP and first reported by The Parkersburg News and Sentinel. Douglas initially informed legislative staffers that Knisel...
He argued the dynamics at play during this year’s legislative session were pretty surprising. Not only did we not know what Youngkin would do with the dozens of gun bills that made it to his desk before he formally announced his vetoes, but the way those proposals got through the legislat...
Both the 2022 and 2023 legislative sessions saw political gridlock over how the then-politically divided General Assembly should fill commissioner vacancies. Democrats opened this session in full control of both chambersafter November's elections,giving them the leeway to advanc...
RICHMOND, Va. (AP) — Virginia Republicans stepped up their criticism this week of the rhetoric being used by their Democratic opponents in abortion-focused messaging in this year's critical legislative elections.
11/08/2023, 12:18am ET Facing political headwinds and what appeared to be a motivated Republican base, New Jersey Democrats not only managed to hold onto their state legislative majorities Tuesday night but expand them. Republicans — benefiting from the unpopularity of President Joe Biden, the...