The coronavirus has already ripped through several adult county jails along with state and federal institutions for adults, but less attention has been paid to the 45,000 kids in lockup. So far, 101 kids have tested positive nationwide, more than half of them in Virginia and Louisiana, accord...
"We continue to see no deliberate nefarious activities that should cause anyone to question the security, integrity or resilience of the election," a senior cyber security official at CISA told reporters. "We understand that in one state, in one county, officials are working through an issue re...
One of the biggest results of the night was the unseating of incumbent Commonwealth’s Attorney Ray Morrogh by former federal prosecutor Steve Descano. It was a hotly contested and debated race, but with no other challengers, Descano will become the next top prosecutor for the county. In an... link copied 9:16 PM / November 7, 2023 CBS News Ohio Exit Poll on Issue 1: Right to abortion CBS News projects that Ohio's Issue 1 will pass. "Yes" was boosted by hug...
7, 2023, at 2:10 p.m. Save More Virginia's Governor Declares a State of Emergency as Firefighters Battle Wildfires More Uncredited This photo provided by Virginia Department of Forestry shows firefighters trying to stop the western spread of the Quaker Run Wildfir...
HD 17 (Fairfax County) HD 18 (Springfield/Lorton) SENATE Unofficial Election Results Nov. 7, 2023 Virginia Senate Democrats Hold the Majority with 21 of 40 Seats. Unofficial Results Reported by Virginia Public Access Project ...
Virginia Democratic Primary Unofficial Election Results Descano Commonwealth's Attorney(FAIRFAX CITY-FAIRFAX COUNTY) Steve T. Descano 35,247 votes 51.04% Raymond F. Morrogh 33,813 votes 48.96% McKay Chairman-Board of Supervisors Jeffrey C. McKay 29,691 votes 42.48% ...
By Caroline Linton link copied 8:37 PM / November 7, 2023 Ohio Issue 2 will pass, CBS News projects CBS News projects that Ohio's Issue 2, on marijuana legalization,...
An obscure education fight could tilt the election results. Voters will decide whether to scrap a state-funded program that provides scholarships for students to attend private schools. Juan Perez Jr.10/27/2024, 2:00pm ET Lead Art: Some Nebraska Democrats are hoping ...
Philadelphia election officials said fewer than 203,000 mail ballots had been received on time to be counted, and by their midnight update to the results they had counted 166,000 of them. That leaves only about 37,000 — and not all of those will be ...