UniCourt allows you to lookup civil, family law, probate, small claims, labour, personal injury and other cases from Virginia Superior Courts, Justice Courts, Circuit Courts, & more. With UniCourt, you can look up Virginia State Court cases, find latest docket information, view case summary,...
Seniors real estate and housing specialist Virginia Beach 20 years helping and assistant families In all aspects of senior transitions.
(When the court recently affirmed the matter en banc, its conservative judges issued scathing dissents.) Along from the legal restrictions, there is a powerful cultural taboo against considering the public order aspects of homelessness, as opposed to its humanitarian dimension. We’re supposed to ...
De Facto Marriage in West Virginia: If the Court Recognizes the Relationship for Alimony, Why Not for Probate?Did you ever think that under the law of one state you could be considered both married and not married at the same time? While this may seem illogical, it is exactly how an ...