It does give me a LAN address but the port doesn't light up and it's unreachable. The NIC is working I've tested it in other devices. When I plug-in my old router to the modem (TP-Link WR1043ND that is flashed with OpenWRT), it does work and retrieves my WAN just fine. I...
You may be seeing the following message because your Virgin Media WiFi Hub is currently set up in modem mode:“It looks like you aren't home. Unfortunately you can only use Virgin TV at home."To successfully set up and use Flex, the Hub must be in router mode. To change this setting...
10. Set the Virgin Media Hub from router to modem mode Connect your device to Hub 3 (with a cable or over Wi-Fi). In a web browser, go to192.168.0.1and log into the Hub 3 config panel. Enter the Hub 3 password (the default code is printed on the bottom of the device). Switch...
However, you should know that by setting the Hub 3, 4, or 5 to Modem mode, you will disable some of its functions. One of the most important is the intelligent Wi-Fi capabilities so you might experiencelatencyorpacket loss issues. To set the hub back to router mode, retake the steps...
IP30 Packaging and delivery Selling Units: Single item Single package size: 19.5X11X11.2 cm Single gross weight: 0.500 kg Show more Lead time Samples Maximum order quantity: 2 piece Sample price: $200.00/piece Customization Ratings & Reviews ...
3. How to obtain MAC- address For setting up a connection in some wireless networks with MAC filter you may need to enter the MAC address of your GC900 into the router. 1 Touch Wi-Fi from the settings tab, then open the options menu. 2 Select My MAC Address and it will be ...