TV advert to promote Virgin's 50Mb broadband service. The famous 'When Harry Met Sally' diner orgasm scene was recreated with a slight twist - 50 Megs, instead of one. Director Tim Rogg Editor Tim Rogg See all filmmakers & crew (3) ...
在线看Usain Bolt in Virgin Media: Power Of Our Network.. 41秒。30 12月 2013的高清视频,VK免费视频库免注册! 105 — 已浏览。 14 — 已评价。 Nick1984s Posts: 2,344 Forum Member ✭✭✭ 26/04/22 - 13:21 #24 Official blurb -
Lewis Crossfield Stylist: Emma Lipop Business Affairs: Michelle Holmes Post-production Company: ETC LatestProjects VSA Partners People First by VSA Partners
Is Virgin Media Spying on us? Libitina Posts: 2,430 Forum Member ✭✭✭ 25/06/17 - 17:27 #1 Had VM for 5 days after 15+ years with Sky and BT. Three times now I have noticed strange things coming up on adverts on our phones and laptops as products we may like after talk...
Virgin Media Commercial通过VCCP的Volt广告为您的世界加油, 联合王国(Virgin Media Commercial Supercharge your world with Volt Advert by VCCP, United Kingdom) "光+ 空间" 挑逗者B("Light + Space" Teaser B) 挑逗安塔尔提达(Teaser Antartida)
Then again, WPP chief executive SirMartin Sorrell can rightly point to the virtues of running a global operation because he hopes to increase staff numbers in areas where print and TV media are thriving, such as South America, eastern Europe and Asia.WPP has also pooh-poohed claims that ...
爱给网提供海量的创意片库资源素材免费下载, 本次作品为mp4 格式的处女媒体-挑逗(Virgin Media - Teaser), 本站编号40083065, 该创意片库素材大小为5m, 时长为11秒, 分辨率为1280*720, 作者为Louis94, 更多精彩创意片库素材,尽在爱给网。 浏览本次作品的您可能还对 文教娱乐影音娱乐艺术/实验/设计视觉特技特效... Nick1984s Posts: 2,448 Forum Member ✭✭✭ 26/04/22 - 13:21 #24 Official blurb - Nick1984s Posts: 2,445 Forum Member ✭✭✭ 26/04/22 - 13:21 #24 Official blurb -