4.开通BOA联名卡 维珍航空的联名卡目前是由BOA运营的,目前的开卡奖励是30K+5K。下图虽然写了up to 50K里程,但是剩下15K里程是要通过巨大的年消费完成,完全不推荐做这些消费。总之奖励非常一般,还是老老实实开其他卡实在。 里程使用教程...
新鲜热乎的里程贬值新闻又来咯,这次是 Virgin Atlantic (VS)。从2024年1月1日起,使用 VS 里程兑换 Delta (DL) 航班将有贬值: 官方链接 具体来说,VS 兑换 DL 分3种里程表:US和UK之间,US和欧洲其他航点(非UK)之间,其它所有DL航班。本次贬值的是最后一个兑换表。
休息室方面,天合的 Elite Plus 乘坐 Virgin Atlantic, Delta,或者 Aeromexico 可以使用伦敦机场的 Virgin Atlantic Clubhouse. VS Gold 可以享受跟天合 Elite Plus 一样的待遇,可以进入全球约 750 个休息室 VS 里程如何获得? 飞行积累 乘坐 VS 自家的航班可以积累里程,积累量和飞行...
兑换实战 由于 Delta 自家动态里程票的原因,想要用 delta 里程兑换 Delta One Suite 居然需要 180k 里程,相当不划算,但如果用 VS 里程出的话,居然只需要 60k 里程,如果再考虑到 MR 转点的额外 30% 奖励,单程只需要 47k 里程,往返只需要 93k 里程,堪比用 ...
从2024年10月30日起,使用 Virgin Atlantic Flying Club 积分兑换 VS 的航班,点数需求将与票价挂钩。但是具体这个价格会如何计算目前没有更多信息,实际上航司应该也不会披露这类算法,要等待改动生效之后,大家实际搜索里程票才知道大概是什么价值。不过 Delta 航空现在可是 VS 49% 的大股东,如果参考DL的里程,那恐怕...
The article discusses the plan of Delta Air Lines to form a joint venture with Virgin Atlantic Airways. Analysts suggested that the deal represents a competitive coup for Delta and a savvy strategic maneuver for its chief executive officer (CEO) Richard Anderson. It is noted that Virgin Atlantic...
Delta Air Lines and Virgin Atlantic Airways mark 10 years of partnership success The partnership has delivered an array of benefits to nearly 40M customers who have travelled across the Atlantic. Jan 2, 2024 Business, Partnerships, Virgin Atlantic Virgin Atlantic joins SkyTeam Alliance The move ...
There’s no denying that this is a pretty big decrease in value for Virgin Points. Short-haul first class and long-haul economy are especially affected. However, flights to Europe are staying the same price and so is long-haul Delta One, both of which remain a great value....
Delta and Virgin Atlantic partnered to sponsor the popular Brighton & Hove Pride for the first time this year. The theme of the parade was “JOY: Celebrating Life, Spirit, Resilience,” and it is regarded as the biggest and most vibrant of all the UK’s Pride events....
What is Virgin Atlantic's Delta? 来自 国家科技图书文献中心 喜欢 0 阅读量: 9 摘要: DOES THE Virgin Group's sale of a 31% stake in Virgin Atlantic earlier this year signify nothing more than Richard Branson's latest retreat from his once-held vision of a global Virgin airline empire-or...