The article informs that Virgin Atlantic Airways Ltd. has enhanced its Flying Club loyalty program to allow members to buy top-up miles. The Buy Miles initiative enables members of the scheme who do not have enough miles to redeem on a flight, upgrade or reward, to purchase the extra miles...
本次活动,最高赠送70%,且提高了购买上限,最高可以 5022 美元购买 340,000 哩程(20万哩程+赠送14万哩程)。折合约147.7美元/万Miles。 如果您的维珍航空会员注册地址在英国的话(需要有英国地址),购买价格会以英镑计算,价格会更低。折合约119美元/万Miles。 购买里程流程 打开购买维珍大西洋航空里程页面 登录维珍...
Oct 29, 2017 ShareThis When you buy miles from Virgin Atlantic, you now earn30 percent bonus mileson top of your purchase. Just buy your points before Oct. 31, to take advantage of the offer. Miles are available in increments of 1,000, and members may purchase up to 100,000 miles in...
Virgin Atlantic Airways(译为维珍航空或维珍大西洋航空,简称 VS)是一家总部在英国克劳利的航空公司,于 1984 年成立,规模在英国排名第二,仅次于大名鼎鼎的英国航空(British Airways,简称 BA)。其母公司维珍集团旗下的有很多,航空公司除了 Virgin Atlantic 之外,还有 2000 年成立的 Virgin Australi...
Virgin Atlantic 里程介绍 1 Virgin Atlantic 里程介绍 2 关于栗子 大家好,我是世界上最大的栗子,是美国信用卡 101 的作者之一。希望大家多多关注我的文章和我们的网站哦 栗子的 YouTube Play List 美国信用卡 101 Youtube 频道
VS的常旅计划叫做 Flying Club,单位为miles, VS不属于航空界三大联盟,但拥有很多优质合作航司伙伴。虽和达美 [DL],法荷航 [AF & KL] 签订了跨大西洋联营协议,却并未随波逐流将自家里程计划冥币化,而是依然充满了诸多实用性非常强的兑换亮点(如全日空 [ANA] 的美日商务舱兑换,达美 [DL] 的中美,美欧商务舱...
Buy 100,000 – 200,000 points and get a 70% bonus This is a slightly improved set of tiers compared to the last Virgin Atlantic points sale (the last sale required a purchase of at least 125,000 points to access the 70% bonus). ...
维珍的Miles Booster是一个特殊的里程购买计划,简单来说,如果你购买了维珍的机票,就可以通过Miles Booster以较低的价格(1p / mile)购买最多300%飞行距离的里程。 Miles Booster推出了一个特殊的促销活动,有效期至3月8日。期间你购买一倍、两倍和三倍于飞行距离的里程分别可获得20%、30%和40%的奖励。若要出手...
Effective January 16, Virgin Atlantic is introducing low and high season for redemptions. Currently roundtrip economy betwene the East Coast and London costs 35,000 miles. Low season will drop to just 20,000 miles and high season will increase to 40,000 miles. ...
Virgin Atlanticgives elite status miles for award tripson their own flights. However Virgin’s status isn’t worth much by U.S. standards, and since you’re paying exorbitant fuel surcharges their awards are like a paid ticket anyway. It’s a way to fly business class for the price...