Richard Branson先生是我较为钦佩的企业家,他是Virgin Group(维珍集团)的创始人。我首次知道并follow他,来源于多年前LinkedIn的推荐”可能喜欢的人“。那时候Richard几乎每天都会发动态,发一些关于梦想、勇气与Business相关的颇有哲理的词句,很大部分也是关于他创建Virgin Group的初衷,以及创建以来所遇到的问题、挑战与...
他,被人看成是一个傲慢的暴发户,却同时也是世界各大公司CEO们的偶像 。。。 这些天马行空、看似毫无关联的因素构成了理查德·布兰森,曾经签下性手枪乐队的Virgin音乐公司创始人、Virgin集团董事长兼总裁,企业界的顽童,欧美家喻户晓的明星,世界上最富传奇色彩的亿万富翁。。。
根据文章第一句“Virgin Group CEO, Richard Branson's $70 million home was struck by lightning and destroyed by the fire as the tropical(热带的) storm swept over his private Caribbean island on Monday, the billionaire said.”可知,热带风暴袭击这个岛屿时,伴有的闪电造成了大火,而导致了李察布兰森的房...
NEW YORK (AP) — Virgin Atlantic, the airline founded by British businessman Richard Branson, filed Tuesday for relief from creditors as the virus pandemic hammers the airline industry.
这也可以解释为什么Richard Branson作为一介商人,胆敢在亚洲客户面前拿出这等技俩,耍尽种族主义流氓;更...
Richard Branson is Founder of the Virgin Group. Virgin is one of the world’s most irresistible brands and has expanded into many diverse sectors from travel to telecommunications, health to banking and music to leisure. Richard Branson founded Virgin, one of the world’s most admired brands, ...
“If we had gone with Slip Disc Records, Slip Disc Airlines wouldn't have worked so well. And then one of the girls said: ‘We're all virgins. Why don't you call it Virgin?’” Branson told “The Brave Ones.” The name worked for every industry the company went into, because it...
Below is the transcript of an exclusive CNBC interview with Sir Richard Branson, Virgin Founder, and CNBC's Nancy Hungerford.
Those last two categories, plus the deferral of planned investments, provided much of the $250m which Sir Richard pledged to provide his two airlines with when the crisis hit. The transatlantic airline is Virgin Group’s most pressing problem. Delta Air Lines, its 49 per cent shareholder, has...