他首次出名是作为Soul Train Jones在Memphis的CWA,之后扮演Virgil角色担任“Million Dollar Man” Ted DiBiase的保镖。 全文皆转载 译者已同意 出处:摔迷之家(论坛 或 公众微信号)
That same year, he took on the Virgil persona, joining the WWE as a bodyguard to Ted "Million Dollar Man" DiBiase. However, Jones switched sides three years later and challenged his boss in the Million Dollar Championship. Training with "Rowdy" Roddy Piper, Jones went on to claim gold ...
and the Rome of freemen holds her place, I, from out the Northern Island sundered once from all the human race, 10 I salute thee, Mantovano, I that loved thee since my day began, Wielder of the stateliest measure ever moulded by the lips of man. ...
他首次出名是作为Soul Train Jones在Memphis的CWA,之后扮演Virgil角色担任“Million Dollar Man” Ted DiBiase的保镖。 2.Billy Jack Haynes正式被起诉二级谋杀和非法使用枪支。 公众号/论坛:摔迷之家
最近几年他一直在治疗多种健康问题,包括2022年被诊断出痴呆。他还有两次中风。 他首次出名是作为Soul Train Jones在Memphis的CWA,之后扮演Virgil角色担任“Million Dollar Man” Ted DiBiase的保镖。 2.Billy Jack Haynes正式被起诉二级谋杀和非法使用枪支。 公众号/论坛:摔迷之家...