The Aeneid , VirgilTranslated from the Latin by C. Day LewisWith a new introduction by Jasper Griffin , 9780192835840 , 019283584X , Oxford University Press CanadaOxford Worlds Classics
Latin Language and Literature (Deutsch) — or — Purchase eBook$210.00 Purchase Hardcover$210.00 Please note that the hardcover edition is printed upon ordering, and will take 2 to 4 weeks to deliver. Institutional price$175.00 Contact our sales team ...
其作品有《牧歌集》(Eclogues)、《农事诗》(Georgics)、史诗 《埃涅阿斯纪》(Aeneid)三部杰作。其中的《埃涅阿斯纪》长达十二 册,是代表着罗马帝国文学最高成就的巨著。因此,他也被罗马人奉 为国民诗人、被当代及后世广泛认为是古罗马最伟大的诗人,乃至世 界文学史上最伟大的文学家之一。 维吉尔的诗歌创作 有...
图书The Works of Virgil. in Latin and English. the Aeneid Translated by Christopher Pitt, the Eclogues and Georgics, with Notes by Joseph Warton. 介绍、书评、论坛及推荐
The Roman poet who wrote the great Latin epicThe Aeneidwas calledVergiliusby the Romans. This is shortened in English toVergil. Vergil is actually correct, but as in most matters of absolutes, there is a good reason for the alternative. ...
Aeneid(埃涅伊德),themostfamous第六页,共14页。TheAeneidofVirgil (埃涅伊德)TheAeneiddescribesthefallofTroyandthefoundingofRome.Itisabookforallthetimeandallpeople.ItbecomesanepicpoemoftwelvebooksthatiscalledtheRomanEmpire'snationalepic.第七页,共14页。ItiseasytogodownintoHell;nightandday,thegatesof...
"The Aeneid" by VirgilMark first read the Aeneid while he was studying Latin in high school, and he recounted the story of Aeneas's quest and his desire to build a city that, he said, quoting the text in English, "knows no boundaries in time and greatness." At one of the product ...
“The Aeneid” by Virgil 《埃涅阿斯纪》维吉尔 Mark first read the Aeneid while he was studying Latin in high school and he recounted the story of Aeneas’s quest and his desire to build a city that he said quoting the text in English “knows no boundaries in time and greatness.” At ...
Did Augustus ask Virgil to write The Aeneid? How does the Aeneid relate to Roman history? What are examples of hyperbaton in The Aeneid? What is the opening line of the Aeneid in Latin? Does Virgil talk about punishment in The Aeneid?