textilis was collected from the Barossa Val- ley region, South Australia and maintained at Venom Supplies Pty Ltd. (Adelaide, SA, Australia). Venom was milked by placing a pipette tip over the left fang and manual massage of the left venom gland. The right fang and venom gland were left...
23]; while in viperids, secretory epithelial cells dramatically increase in size from cuboidal to columnar with proliferation of the rough endoplasmic reticulum (ER) [24,25]. Further, elapid venoms are largely dominated by non-enzymatic three-finger toxins (3FTxs), and enzymatic group I phosphol...
·K Prest standard kit, Stago Cat# 00597; solubilised in Owren Koller (OK) buffer), and 20 μL OK buffer in an assay cup (Haemonetics Australia Pty Ltd., North Rye, Sydney, Australia). In the final step, 7 µL venom (1 mg/mL in 1:1 glycerol:deionised H2O) was added, ...
3.4.2. Thromboelastography on Plasma and Fibrinogen The effects of venoms on clot dynamics of plasma and fibrinogen were measured using a Thromboelastograph® 5000 Haemostasis analyser (Haemonetics®, Haemonetics Australia Pty Ltd., Sydney, Australia). In quadruplicate: 189 µL of human plasma...