Learn domestic abuse meaning in Hindi and what is domestic violence in Hindi –भारत में डोमेस्टिक वायलेंस (घरेलू हिंसा) के ऊपर संपूर्ण जानकारी Are ...
First, to reduce extraneous processing, we highlighted relevant material in each module on digital post-its. Second, to support the management of essential processing, we divided sections of the RISE-ON modules into learner-paced parts; this means we included a button click to allow students to...
A systematic review conducted from 2010 to 2018 revealed that central sub-Saharan Africa (32%) and Oceania (29%) had the highest lifetime prevalence of intimate partner violence and physical or SV within the past year among women aged 15–49 years3. SV is a major public health issue in G...
WADER at SemEval-2023 Task 9: A Weak-labelling framework for Data augmentation in tExt Regression Tasks Intimacy is an essential element of human relationships and language is a crucial means of conveying it. Textual intimacy analysis can reveal social norms ... M Suri,A Garg,D Chaudhary,.....
Hridaya Ajgaonkar: Violence and the Good Women of Bollywood 205In other words, the ›good‹ gunwoman in films such asKhoon Bhari Maangis al-most invariably used as a means to feminist catharsis, which in turn relies on theideathatawomanresortstoviolenceasaresultofhermarginalisation.Herviolen...
Scoring high on a subscale means the stress level is high. The minimal values that indicate sexual minority stress on each subscale are IH ≥ 3, ExR ≥ 3, Clm ≥ 3, SO ≥ 4, SMNE, and any item endorsed. In the present study, the SMSS had Cronbach’s alpha ...
Table2presents the correlations of the variables in our empirical analysis, including the means and standard deviations of the variables. Our descriptive statistics showed that the mean ofviolence against civiliansin total events was 47.34. Althoughtotal fatalitieshad a mean of 570.59, the standard de...
Descriptive data were presented as means with standard deviations (SDs) for continuous variables, and frequencies and percentages for categorical variables. The ever-married participants were classified into two groups: participants who had ever experienced any type of IPV; and those who had never ...
"Recently, on a holiday in Pushkar, Rajasthan, I had men following me as I walked through the local market, passing lewd comments and abusing me loudly using slang words and abuses in Hindi," they explain. "All this because I wore pink pants in velvet." AdvertisementADVERTISEMENT Forever ...
(Fig.2). This means that absence frequency increased when IPV increased for those with high family supportive supervision, but not for those with low family supportive supervision. There are two possible explanations for this finding: (1) higher IPV may lead to higher absence frequency regardless...