VIOLATION. An act done unlawfully and with force. In the English stat. of 25 E. III., st. 5, c. 2, it is declared to be high treason in any person who shall violate the king's companion; and it is equally high treason in her to suffer willingly such violation. This word has be...
Ordinancesmeans the ordinances of the City of Polk City, Iowa, as embodied in this Code of Ordinances, ordinances not repealed by the ordinance adopting this Code of Ordinances, and those enacted hereafter. Public nuisancemeans a building that is a menace to the public health, welfare, or saf...
the conditions of significant noncompliance as provided by 1043.01 (53) of the Sewer Use Ordinance; where there is evidence of intent or negligence; or that may cause an adverse impact on human health, safety, welfare, property, or the environment; or on the administration of the City’s ...
An alleged violation of a municipal stormwater ordinance enacted under a Clean Water Act permit does not equate to a violation of the permit itself, a federal court has ruled (Citizens for Pa.'s Future v. Pittsburgh Water & Sewer Auth., 2014 BL 94752, W.D. Pa., No. 12-00943, 4/7...
Awareness, Treatment, and Control of Hypertension and Hypercholesterolemia Among Insured Residents of New York City, 2004 Health care access and sociodemographic characteristics may influence chronic disease management even among adults who have health insurance. The objective... QC Nguyen,EN Waddell,JC ...
Wes Woods II
Case Scenario: City enacted a city zoning ordinance that barred outdoor advertising display signs - including billboards - on all public roads within the city limits. Billboards on-site on any public Decide whether the legal protection for each of...
Last week, the Long Beach City Attorney Doug Haubertfiled a criminal complaint against Mesa Airlines, doing business as American Eagle, for violating the noise ordinance 16 times over the past year. “I realize it is out of the ordinary for an airline to be criminally prosecuted ...
A 16 year old boy Ram Abhinav, a student of class 10 in Southern City of Chennai committed suicide after allegedly being thrashed by a teacher for skipping school on his birth day. He left a note saying that he was killing himself because he did not want to go to school. Goa Assembly...
Violation of Law means a violation of City law relating to campaign finance, lobbying, campaign consulting, conflicts of interest, governmental ethics, the San Francisco Sunshine Ordinance, and the Whistleblower Protection Ordinance, as well as State laws relating to campaign finance, conflicts of int...