bass viol bird's-foot violet birds-foot violet bowed stringed instrument Bratsche Canada violet clef cream violet dog violet downy yellow violet English violet family Violaceae field pansy gamba gambist References in classic literature ? But neither bent the knee, for the young bridegroom replied in...
Related to Viola de gamba:viola d'amore,viola da braccio viol a stringed musical instrument:He was the finest viol player in the orchestra. Not to be confused with: vial– a small container used for liquids:The biology student held up a vial of swamp water. ...
Violinsandviolasare both members of the violin family that are played with bows and held under the chin. Theviolinis smaller and has a higher range. Viola music uses alto clef, while violin music uses treble clef. In most orchestras, there are 20 or moreviolinssplit between two sections, ...
The normal clef for the viola is the alto clef (middle C on the third line). The treble clef (G clef) is employed when the part lies substantially above the range of the alto clef for a length of time. Too many clef changes should be avoided. A violist is quite accustomed to readin...
The viola has 4 strings, in order from lowest to highest: C3, G3, D4, A4 and music for the viola is written in Alto clef, with the Treble clef used for high passages. Traditionally, the viola has served as one of the inner voices and has the ability to be either a harmonic or ...
Vivaldi seldom accompanies the viola d'amore by the bass section of his ensemble. Rather he almost always gives the "bass" line to the violin section (although he still writes those sections in bass clef, and so they sound an octave higher than written.) In the St John Passion, Bach us...
Where did Alto Clef originate? Bach took a bribe from a wealthy Viola player. VIOLA SOLOS Why is a viola solo like a bomb? By the time you hear it, it's too late to do anything about it. Why is a viola solo like a death? You know its coming ... but you can't do ...
The viola is held under the chin while bowed or occasionally plucked. Orchestral and chamber violists sit while playing, taking care to keep their backs straight so to avoid shoulder and back strain. Soloist violists usually stand while playing. Violists read music written on the alto clef, ...
As you can see, the viola spans roughly half of each of the treble and bass clefs. Because of this range, the alto clef, squarely in the middle, works best,because if provides from the least amount of ledger lines (lines added above or below the staff)in the most commonly used range...
With the help ofsheet musicit’s possible to record the sequence of notes in written form, for example in compositions. With the aid of the clef and the staves can be read off, what the note is called and which note accordingly has to be played. ...