Vinyl siding – actually, polyvinyl chloride plastic resin that is heated and extruded into sheets – has only been around for about 50 years and was developed as a cheaper alternative tometal sidingback in the 1950s. Vinyl’s reputation for “cheap” was honestly earned as plasticized siding ...
Concave Window Glass Warps and Melts Vinyl Siding Vinyl Siding Institute's Position Statement on Melted Siding Here's the neighbor's melted vinyl siding caused by the death-ray windows on Sarah & Bob's house. In all seriousness, the blame for the problem could be shared. Vinyl siding that ...
Install the J-channel vinyl siding around all four sides of a window or three sides of a door. For the window, first position the J-channel against the window casing. Nail it to the wall, but remember not to nail it tightly. Leave at least one-sixteenth of an inch between the nail ...
Tim Carter
A radio staple to this day, Lynyrd Skynyrd's Southern ode takes shots at Neil Young and makes references to racist Gov. George Wallace. However, those who think the band was siding with Wallace's politics or legitimately feuding with Young would be mistaken. Fun fact: None of the song's...