The meaning of VINTAGE YEAR is a year in which a vintage wine is produced.
vintage year meaning, definition, what is vintage year: a year when a good quality wine was prod...: Learn more.
First Known Use Noun 15th century, in the meaning defined at sense 1a(1) Adjective 1601, in the meaning defined at sense 1 Time Traveler The first known use of vintage was in the 15th century See more words from the same century Phrases Containing vintage vintage year Articles...
8. "Gabriele Vintage" (GV) is a term that refers to vintage clothing in English. It is important to distinguish between "vintage" and "second hand." "Vintage" is about the wine's production year and the added value of age, while "second hand" simply means previously owned.9...
The sense in English expanded to "age or year of a particular wine" (1746), then, via the general adjectival meaning "being of an earlier time" (1883), "date or period when anything was produced" (1929). also fromearly 15c.
the annual produce of the grape harvest, especially with reference to the wine obtained. an exceptionally fine wine from the crop of a good year. the time of gathering grapes, or of winemaking. the act or process of producing wine; winemaking. ...
Indicate the grape harvest years in Wine trademark, the Wine called year Wine, its meaning is to provide a special information to consumers, so that high levels of consumer purchase according to the reign of wine; two is marked Wine harvest, vintage, is essential for wine collectors, because...
Retro comes from the French word rétro, meaning to move backward. The word’s first usage was in 1972 and encompasses colorful new technology and fashion up until the 1990s. Any items at least 15 years old can count as retro. However, you can also call something retro if it’s new but...
vintage meaning, definition, what is vintage: vintage wine is good quality wine made i...: Learn more.
The meaning of VINTAGE is a season's yield of grapes or wine from a vineyard. How to use vintage in a sentence.