View on eBay - Luther Bros Vacuum Tube Stereo Preamplifier Compensator 100V Mcintosh Marantz Buy It on eBay for only: $1,999.00 View on eBay - Original Vintage McIntosh MC75 MC-75 Tube Amplifier Buy It on eBay for only: $1,999.99 View on eBay - Melos SHA Gold Reference- Tube ...
eBay BALLANTYNE 6L6 Tube PD-50 Amplifier from Western Electric Vintage Movie Theater | eBay历史价格和网友评论,海淘商品名
When you click on links to various merchants on this site and make a purchase, this can result in this site earning a commission. Affiliate programs and affiliations include, but are not limited to, the eBay Partner Network. Vintage Tube Guitar Amplifier Repair Project - Gibson G...
Clicking a link to eBay may result in a referral commission being paid if a purchase is made. Loading… 117 thoughts on “The Most Powerful Vintage Receivers of All Time”
but it's not certain that Vlad was aware of it. Another eBay seller named "trabuegentryauctions" sold cheap Allen wrenches for $9.99 apiece by calling them "Sansui Tuner [or Amplifier] Tuning Tools." He ran out of suckers and stopped doing this, but we'd continue to avoid his other au...
12BA6 first AM/FM IF amplifier 12BA6 second AM/FM IF amplifier 12AU6 FM limiter 19T8 FM discriminator and AM detector, automatic volume control, and amplifier 35C5 1.5 watt output amplifier The leading number on a vacuum tube is the filament voltage. For example, the 6BJ6 pentode ...
More Items From eBayPlayboy Magazines 1977, 78,. (61) Issues 2 File Box Lot DADDY - LONG - LEGS By Jean Webster Whisper Pinup Magazine Sept 1951 - Peter Driben Art #3226 1998 Alfred Hitchcock Complete Sheet Mnh Altec 1568A Tube Amplifier Vintage 6AC7/EL34 JAPAN STAMPS SC #323...
I can find no obvious reason for this, all components are good and the screen regulator amplifier tube is good too. Here are a couple of views of the HV PSU: I particularly like the air-cored, pie-wound HV transformer and the intensity and focus control universal joints. The rectifier ...
It’s a cute little single-ended stereo tube amp using a pair of 6AD10 Compactron tubes which have two functional sections, one voltage amplifier pentode used for the amp’s input stage, and a beam power tetrode used for the amp’s output stage that’s fairly similar to a single-ended...
When I purchased the bike 16 years ago from an eBay seller, it had gone through a restoration which involved having the frame powdercoated. The job was well done, and the brick red color is evokes somewhat the hue of the original paint. The lugs and lettering were highlighted with gold,...