We Buy, Sell, Repair, Refurbish, recap, Custom Modify, receive trade-ins of Vintages Stereos from The 1950- 1990 era of Analog Stereos. Tube or Solid State luis.office@gmail.com Serving for over 20 years in San Francisco Bay Area, Stereoadvisor has become one of the most popular place ...
Reviews and photos of vintage stereo tuners, including Kenwood, Sansui, Pioneer, McIntosh, Yamaha, Accuphase, Onkyo, Denon, Rotel, Technics, Tandberg, Magnum Dynalab. Ceramic filter modifications.
Categories and descriptions are for convenience. Since many sites are changed from time to time, access cannot be guaranteed. If you find a bad link listed, please e-mail A.R.C. and let us know. We invite all sites related to the collecting of old radios and related items to notify us...
This Line In (green) port connects a headphone with a stereo mini-plug. 8. Microphone port. This Mic (pink) port connects a microphone. ASUS Vintage V2-PE3 1-3 1.3 Rear panel The system rear panel includes the power connector and several I/O ports that allow convenient connection of ...
so we just need a membership chairman. I would be happy to coordinate the assemblage of loaner test equipment for member use, so we just need volunteers to give presentations on repair and mods.I have also begun to build a reference library of schematics, tube manuals, magazines and texts,...