5月1日到5月31日,所有Vintage Pedal特价销售,每个单块都有不同程度的优惠,欢迎咨询,Q 18340357 1. Fulltone Soul Bender, 1998年美国产,双NKT275。 2. Pro Co Turbo RAT, 90年美国制,摩托罗拉LM308N芯片。 3. Marshall Shred Master,91年英国制,电池盖和背棉完整。 4. MXR Dyna Comp, 79年美国手工制,...
One third of the way through a RAT distortion pedal beefs up the 303 pattern for some even squelchier, harder acid! Audio Clip 3 Cool basslines surrounded in delay, flange and reverb. Several acid loop lines showcasing some of the 303's range and possibilities. ManualRoland has made ...