SkyFi Audio is a By Appointment Only shop specializing in the sale of high-end audio equipment both vintage and new. We only buy equipment that we admire and are passionate about. No mid-fi, no gimmicks, no junk. Favorite brands include McIntosh, Klipsch
Vintage McIntosh Audio Manuals Here's a list of the vintage McIntosh audio equipment manuals I'm currently offering for sale. They're in Adobe's pdf format for instant download. Most of these are direct high-resolution scans oforiginalmanuals, not 3rd or 4th generation copies. In Adobe .pdf...
A War of Watts. Back in the late 70's audio manufacturers engaged in a war. You might call it a war of watts. The consumer seemed to have an insatiable appetite for more and more watts in their receivers. Manufacturers were quick to oblige and started ma
Reviews and photos of vintage stereo tuners, including Kenwood, Sansui, Pioneer, McIntosh, Yamaha, Accuphase, Onkyo, Denon, Rotel, Technics, Tandberg, Magnum Dynalab. Ceramic filter modifications.
Those familiar with Mr. Dumortier consider him affectionately as “the Saul Marantz of Europe”. Many of his designs are reminiscent of early Marantz equipment, though the styling with its black potted transformers and chrome chassis are more in the style of McIntosh equipment from the same ...
Website owner: Dave Harnish CEO: Sadie Dave's Repair Service 1911 Heath Hill Rd New Albany, PA 18833 Vintage Ampex Reel to Reel Recorder Manuals Here's a list of the vintage Ampex audio equipment manuals I'm currently either offering or working on for sale. They're...