I recently heard a pair of vintage JBL speakers. I have read and seen youtube videos on them, but this is only 2nd time I have heard a pair of vintage JBL speakers...they were low end and still sounded fantastic. I am contemplating picking up a pair to
ROXX Vintage Speakers代表者 樋上純一〒889-4601 宮崎県都城市山田町山田7042-17TEL: 0986-77-9610MAIL : info@sdroxx.com営業時間10:00-18:00(定休日:土日 祝祭日)メールは随時受付中古物商許可番号第441210001574号宮崎県公安委員会 --JBLについて-- JBLのスピーカーとアンプの相性という迷路 | ...
Walker continued to record until 2018. He was described by the BBC upon his death as “one of the most enigmatic and influential figures in rock history”. Ruins of the 20th Century This piece on Scott Walker appeared recently in theGuardian. ...
850 Dragon (later repriced to $2,499) was nothing short of an engineering marvel. Among its features was a beltless and springless dual-capstan transport with direct-drive motors controlled to remarkable accuracy by a quartz clock; the mechanism intentionally pushed away the cassette...