Sharpened Flat is a Tokyo-based vintage guitar trader, specializing in Japanese-made hollow body jazz guitars including Aria Pro II, Burny by Fernandes, Edwards by ESP, Epiphone, Fender Japan, Greco, Ibanez, Navigator by ESP, Orville by Gibson, Seventy S
Ga Station Guitars. Vintage, used and rare guitars. Fender Japan specialists. Plus some amazing Les Pauls! Worldwide delivery.
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Offering for your consideration this very cool Seagull Guitar Registration and maintenance paperwork. Not dated but likely 2005-2007. not filled in... this didn't go out with the guitar when it was sold at the local monster mart...2nd chance if you have one of these guitars..This is som...
Here are some of the incredible Japanese vintage lawsuit era and top of the line modern guitars I've decided to sell. Yamaha SG3000 Gold Kawaii Moonsault MLY140 Yamaha SG2000 in Sunburst Other Guitars, Amps, etc for sale Here are some of my other guitars and misc equipment for sale: ...
Japanese luthiers were already building fine classical guitars in the 1960s and solving technical challenges that would soon make them major exporters well into the 1980s
ender Japan did an outstanding job of manufacturing the Japanese Vintage (JV) instruments, their reputation has become known the world over. The JV has maintained a high resale value and also highly regarded as one of the finest guitars/basses in the world today. I have tried to include ...
with inlaid logos and a 2x2 peghead configuration. Over the course of the 70s, the Japanese output improved dramatically, and in many ways these early 70s models are a low point for the brand. Having said this, there are a lot worse guitars out there, and as well as being historically ...