A few years I bought a vintage orange tube C8. Due to things beyond anyone's control (including a pandemic) it has been languishing in Texas until it was finally shipped to me in California a month ago. It is just another orange tube C8, nothing special, except for the Dec knob. It...
I don't know much about Celestron... When I pulled the cell off, the odor was unusual. The screws all match -- makes me think it was ordered with the camera platform & strap... Any ideas on the age?? Isn’t the serial number under that orange cap? If so, check it on the reg...
The finder holes are precise and fashioned to mount up with Celestron and University Optics cast aluminum 50mm finders; also those by Towa that Orion sold for a time. The (2) small steel, rectangle wedges I'm includeing with the scope (seen in photos) are finder ...
Page 203 of 206 - Vintage Telescope Finds - posted in Classic Telescopes: I must live in an alternate universe, where $10 Vixen-made Celestron scopes dont exist - I only ever see junk scopes in thrift shops. Oh, right - I live in Ottawa. Even worse
The scope, optics, wedge, tripod, and accessories are like new. As soon as our 8" inches of snow and the mid-teens temps go away, I'll see what it can do. I can't count the number of times I stared at the Sky & Telescope ads for the orange C8s 40 years ago. Kind of a ...
Vintage Telescope Finds ISS Posts:42,868 Joined: 23 September 2022 - 02:34 PM Looks just like the one i had. #2577 clamchip Hubble Loc:Seattle Posted23 September 2022 - 02:39 PM Celestron plugged the unused fork mount holes with screws....
Would these older orange C8's have about the same light throughput as one of the modern Celestron SCT's with XLT coatings? Bill Hi Bill, I'll do a side by side with my friend Pete who has a modern coated C8 as soon as possible. In my opinion though, I'd be more concerned about...
Page 118 of 204 - Vintage Telescope Finds - posted in Classic Telescopes: Picked up a Sears Discoverer #6344 refractor 76mm, 1200 focal length This was made for .965 eyepieces (mine came with out eyepieces, but had a nice Celestron .965 diagonal and
until the last picture showing the corrector which looks like a picture of the front of an approximately 6" Maksutov-Cassegrain. I don't know if the seller mixed up his pictures or what, but that does not look like the front of a Celestron C8 to me. Am I missing something obvious ...
Page 10 of 15 - Craigslist, eBay, and other vintage classic telescope ads - posted in Classic Telescopes: Meade ETX-90 in the San Francisco bay area. Worth saving for $25 https://sfbay.craigs...7795115013.html