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e.g. If you can buy only one case at auction, it should be vintage port. 如果你在拍卖会上只能买一样东西,那就应该是上等的波尔图葡萄酒。 e.g. ...a vintage bottle of wine. 一瓶上等葡萄酒 3. (汽车或飞机)老式的,古色古香的 Vintage cars or aeroplanes are old but are admired because...
No. Unlike rental car companies, Turo is a peer-to-peer car rental marketplace where you can rent directly from trusted local car owners in the US, UK, Canada, Australia, and France. Turo does not own any vehicles — Turo hosts share their own personal cars and set their own prices, ...
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recent vintagen(wine produced in a recent year)SCSimplified Chinese近期产的酒 vintage carn(classic antique automobile)SCSimplified Chinese老爷车lǎo yé chē TCTraditional Chinese老爺車 He has an impressive collection of vintage cars. vintage clothesnpl(antique or retro clothing)SCSimplified Chinese复古...
Keywords: Discount, vintage, wine, online, Buy andybaxterbass.com Andy Baxter Bass & Guitars Ltd | UK Vintage Bass and Guitar Dealer Andy Baxter Bass & Guitars has established a name as the best place to shop for vintage basses and vintage guitars in the UK. We offer brands including...