The Wow Factor: When I first saw the "Vintage Vibe" Mustang bass, it owned me. Overall: I've owned one before and had to sell it. Incredible instrument. I've always preferred short scale basses because they're so much fun to play. Had to buy this one. I like playing this bass ...
While the photographs of actresses seem rather tame to us today, the photographs on the trading cards were considered “lascivious” by some. Complaints even led to James Buchanan “Buck” Duke being advised,via letter, by his father Washington Duke to cease use of such images “as an inducem...
the trains were streamlined. The Union Pacific selected the University of Michigan to find the best aerodynamic shape while CB&Q turned to M.I.T.. The new designs looked like nothing else that had ridden the rails. They looked more like Buck Rogers'...
Every time Hake’s announces a new auction, I find myself looking around for things to […] October 21, 2019ByBrian1 Comment My new ride The other morning, I was driving through the neighborhood and saw this bike laying at the curb, alongside a pile of trash bags, waiting to be haule...
When you finally got the Model 1 rolled out and you saw the tremendous interest, were you surprised in the interest that it garnered? Steve Leininger: I wasn't. I wasn't. In fact, there's a quote of me. Me and John Roach had a discussion on how many of these do you think we ...
“the girl, clad in riding costume. She was pretty. Somehow he had known that she would be. Her hair was a mystic brown, shading to deep copper. She smiled just a little…” and saw “…a set of perfectly matched white teeth, and two of the cutest dimples he had ever laid eyes ...
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sawelectric tuk tukelectric vegetable cutterelectrical kettle spare partsfan handfan portable waistfilter for silvercrestflame diffusersfree shipping in bangladeshg305 shellhaircut machinehandheld vacuum cleanerharry potter humidifierhome water cooler fanhuge dildo machinehvac scent diffuserjuicer blender portable...
ll see it going for less; plus E-Bay takes about 13% of the sale, which adds up to a chunk of change. Usually for an item valued at $100 I will mark it up 25 or 30%, as I usually need to clean it up; plus customers understand I also need to make a buck. My focus is ...