安塞尔莫·门德斯酒庄(Anselmo Mendes)安塞尔莫·门德斯酒庄(Anselmo Mendes)位于葡萄牙西北部的绿酒产区(Vinho Verde)。该酒庄在葡萄牙国内外市场颇负盛名,且旗下酒款屡获殊荣。安塞尔莫·门德斯(Anselmo Mendes)以自己的名字为酒庄命名。他自幼在米尼奥河谷(The Minho Valley)长大,注定和葡萄结下不解之缘。自...
Therefore, the aim of this research is to study, following a qualitative paradigm and through content analysis [ 3 ], a group of 100 wine brands (almost a third part of the total wine bottlers identified in the region in 2022 stats) official websites throughout Vinho Verde Region, to ...
Vinho Verde is a wine region with nine sub-regions encompassing all of northwest Portugal. The climate is affected by mountain ranges, valleys, and rivers. A fair amount of rain occurs in the winter and spring when temperatures are cool. Soils are mostly granite, a crucial element that gives...
安塞尔莫·门德斯酒庄(Anselmo Mendes)位于葡萄牙西北部的绿酒产区(Vinho Verde)。该酒庄在葡萄牙国内外市场颇负盛名,且旗下酒款屡获殊荣。 安塞尔莫·门德斯(Anselmo Mendes)以自己的名字为酒庄命名。他自幼在米尼奥河谷(The Minho Valley)长大,注定和葡萄结下不解之缘。自1987年起,他开始学习发酵和木桶陈酿...