This application contains the classic Vines dictionary from Old and New Testament. It includes words from the whole Bible. The entries in both OT and NT dictionaries are organized alphabetically in English, along with the Hebrew or Greek words from which they are translated. This dictionary provide...
Vine, the Greek word noʹe·ma (rendered “mental powers”) has the thought of “purpose” or “device.” 新约字辞注释辞典》)因此,上帝所赐的平安能够加强我们的基督徒宗旨,保卫我们提防软弱下来或无缘无故改变主意的倾向。 jw2019 Our youth must also be given the opportunity to use their...
Hebrew/Greek Your Content腓利门书Chinese Contemporary Bible (Simplified) 1 我是为了传扬基督耶稣而被囚禁的保罗,与提摩太弟兄写信给我们亲爱的同工腓利门弟兄、 2 亚腓亚姊妹和我们的战友亚基布,以及在腓利门家里聚会的弟兄姊妹。 3 愿我们的父上帝和主耶稣基督赐给你们恩典和平安! 称赞腓利门 4...
III. Swinging your firebrand in your hand – light in the darkness of night – you arrived in your enthusiastic frenzy in the flower-covered vale of Eleusis – euhoi, o io Bakchos, o ie Paian! There the entire Greek nation, surrounding the indigenous witnesses of the holy Mysteries, invo...
Matthew 1:21Jesusis the Greek form ofJoshua,which meanstheLordsaves. Matthew 1:23Isaiah 7:14 Back to resources Pinned Vine's Complete Expository Dictionary Vineʼs Complete Expository Dictionary of Old and New Testament Words, © 1984, 1996, Thomas Nelson...
This application contains the classic Vines dictionary from Old and New Testament. It includes words from the whole Bible. The entries in both OT and NT dictionaries are organized alphabetically in English, along with the Hebrew or Greek words from which they are translated. This dictionary provide...
Bible Book List Font Size Resources Hebrew/Greek Your Content箴言31Chinese Union Version (Simplified) 31 利慕伊勒王的言语,是他母亲教训他的真言。 2 我的儿啊,我腹中生的儿啊,我许愿得的儿啊!我当怎样教训你呢? 3 不要将你的精力给妇女;也不要有败坏君王的行为。 4 利慕伊...
The Old Greek has “remain with,” a rendering which may find support from an Arabic cognate (see C. Westermann, Genesis, 1:375). If one interprets the verb in this way, then it is possible to understand רוּחַ (ruakh) as a reference to the divine ...
This application contains the classic Vines dictionary from Old and New Testament. It includes words from the whole Bible. The entries in both OT and NT dictionaries are organized alphabetically in English, along with the Hebrew or Greek words from which they are translated. This dictionary provide...
This application contains the classic Vines dictionary from Old and New Testament. It includes words from the whole Bible. The entries in both OT and NT dictionaries are organized alphabetically in English, along with the Hebrew or Greek words from which they are translated. This dictionary provide...