There is no need to spend outrageous money on those high priced oxygen cleaners. Add a half cup to one cup of vinegar to your wash cycle with the detergeant. There are no harsh chemicals in vinegar. It brightens your clothes. It is also a great alternative to bleach. Vinegar used as a...
Fire up your charcoal grill. Let the coals get blazing hot. Wash the vegetables. Place the garlic off to the side of the coals where it will brown the paper skins but not burn the cloves. The garlic will take the longest to cook of everything. Let it get good and brown on all side...
8 Things I've Completely Stopped Buying The Best Dishwashing Gloves Scrub Daddy vs. Scrub Mommy: Which Cleans Best? The Best Ways to Clean Silver The Best Washer and Dryer Combos The Unwritten Rules of Shared Laundry The Dishwasher Setting You're Probably Missing ...
It's better to sprinkle salt on the stain, wait for an hour, and then put it in the wash. 12. Stubborn Carpet Stains There are many methods to remove stains on carpets and some of them indeed include vinegar, but this is true only for simple and easy-to-remove stains. If your ...
Detergent booster:Using vinegar in your laundry can help protect colors and remove excess detergent residue. To set colors and reduce fading,wash towelsand clothing with about half the recommended amount of detergent plus 1/2 to one cup of white vinegar. ...
on your property, spray them with a mix of equal parts water and distilled white vinegar. Since these industrious insects hate the smell of vinegar, they'll soon move out. Toss this spray in your car whenever you're on your way to a picnic, too, in case ants try to spoil your fun....
Wash your windshield with vinegar in the winter to help keep ice and frost away. If you have a septic tank, use vinegar instead of harsh chemicals to clean the toilet bowl. Let it set overnight if you can; it will help keep germs down. Spray your hands with a mist of vinegar, or ...
When you wash your face with straight up vinegar, it feels like a bit like one of those chemistry disasters that safety video warned you about in high school. Aside from the vinegar stinging my eyes more than once, the horrendous facial burn temporarily felt like that sunb...
Try to avoid using vinegar to wash the interior of your dishwasher’s door, especially the hearty rubber bits, since its strong acidity could deteriorate your dishwasher’s seals, which are crucial for keeping the steam and water in.
To use it in this manner add 1/2 cup of vinegar to the wash cycle, along with the detergent.6. Remove Mineral Deposits On & In Your IronHard water deposits can clog your iron steam vents and the spray nozzle over time, making your iron not work well or at all....