Kill Mold and Mildew Reduce Basement Moisture Improve the Smell Basements often have a reputation for being dark, dank, unpleasant places, and that can sometimes be true. If your basement smells musty, no amount of baking soda or air freshener will make it smell better for the long term. ...
mold, mildew, and dust only make things worse. The odor often becomes stronger over time, clinging to your favorite clothes. Luckily, you can keep your closet smelling fresh without resorting to harsh chemicals. One solution is to use vinegar, which acts as a natural...
Mattress disinfectant:Mix distilled white vinegar, a little rubbing alcohol, and some tea tree oil in a spray bottle. Lightly spritz on your mattress to help combatdust mites, mildew, and general odors. For a deeper clean, follow with a dusting of baking soda. Let dry, then vacuum the mat...
You can actually pretreat your shower curtains to prevent mold and mildew growth by running them through the washing machine with ¼ cup of white vinegar. Use a cold or warm cycle, so as to not melt the shower curtain. Continue your quest for mildew mitigation by spraying down your shower...
If your washing machine is dirty in some other way beside soap scum or hard water build up though, such as with mold or mildew growth, vinegar may not be the best cleaner in that instance. You can check out this article with tips for cleaning your washing machine for more details....
— Brenda Outdoor Nastiness I use it to clear up mold and mildew on the patio. The fumes aren't a problem outside and it does a number on discolored yuckiness outdoors. — CleanGirl
Today we learn. For our benefit, and for the benefit of all those crunchy goddesses (and men) who come after us. We learn so we can share. We also learn because if we stop learning we die. (Tom Clancy wrote something to that effect once. And who are we t
a suitable feeding spot, then they hang out in colonies and feed. Mealybugs can weaken a plant leading to yellow foliage and leaf drop. They also produce a sweet substance called honeydew (coveted by ants) which can lead to an unattractive black surface fungal growth called sooty mold. ...
It is true to say that fabric sofa used for a long time inevitably gets dirty or dusty, smelly. For the living room furniture is dirty for a certain reason such as ink stains, crayons, mold, dirt, etc cleaning sofa fabric with vinegar has just saved, bring high efficiency. Some suggesti...
This study aimed to test wood vinegar for the control of oomycete plant pathogens from which six wood vinegars of pistachio, pomegranate, almond, pine, cypress, and walnut were produced. The inhibitory effects of volatile metabolites (semi-VOCs) of different wood vinegars concentrations (100%, 50...