Verses 1-8Jesus Christ is the Vine, the true Vine. The union of the human and Divine natures, and the fulness of the Spirit that is in him, resemble the root of the vine made fruitful by the moisture from a rich soil. Believers are branches of this Vine. The root is unseen, and ...
The article presents the author's view on the reading of the Gospel of John chapter 15, verses 4-5. He states that according to the Old Testament writers, the grapevine represent Israel and it depicts Yahweh as a faithful husbandma...
The name is inspired by one of my life verses – John 15:5. In it, Jesus says:“I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing.” (ESV) When a branch is connected to its’ vin...
attention to a fruitful vine and then provides two primary applications for us to learn from -- pruning the branches and abiding in the vine. These 17 verses aren't long, but contain some of the most important and beloved passages in the Bible about the disciple's love relationship with ...
The Vine and the Branches - “I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener. He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every
"I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing." - John 15:5
Possibly called the "North American Union" or the "United States of North America," the three branches of the U.S. federal government, both delegated and usurped, will be transferred upward to the new North American government. The correct option is to abolish the US Federal Government and ...
Notice all three "branches" of government are seen here.God governs from heaven through Providence, not visible physical enthronement in Jerusalem. This is the major error of the "pre-millennialists." See the discussion of the "invisible hand" above. Micah's Vine & Fig Tree prophecy (Micah ...
In Palestine, however, the vine is usually planted on the side of a terraced hill, and the aged branches are allowed to trail along the ground, the fruit-bearing shoots being raised on forked sticks. This latter mode of cultivation appears to be alluded to by Ezekiel (Eze 19:11-12): ...
Dr. Bill Barrick spoke about how we cannot ignore the issue of creation and the implications of the age of the Earth in Genesis 1 because there are over one hundred verses in the Bible that relate back to this first chapter. Our view of creation in Genesis 1 affects our understanding of...