Links to my video show as "Sorry, we couldn’t find that page" - what they actually mean is "sorry we are a completely useless service who can't get any ad revenue so we have to squeeze our users for overpriced subscriptions... but we've got AI now"Completely without warning. I tr...
Note this part of that: "share_url":"" That suggests to me that I should be able to view the video at: but that link shows "Sorry, we couldn’t find that page", but if I actually let this forum RTE embed the video, it...
in the browser (which doesn't seem to have been mentioned here yet), the actual HTML page returned contained embedded JS, and buried in the JS code was a* URL (with a bunch of extra query parameters). yt-dlp couldn't handle the
Such attitudes are revealing: In 1989, GGNRA Supervisor Brian O’Neill, signed on to a biosphere habitat program headed by Peter Bridgewater who stated that “Earth would be a better place if we had no people,” and from Brian O’Neill, “I will not have dogs running loose in MY Park....