Then, restart Neovim and lazy.nvim will automatically install the plugin and configure the keybindings.tmuxTo configure the tmux side of this customization there are two options:Add a snippetAdd the following to your ~/.tmux.conf file:# Smart pane switching with awareness of Vim splits. # ...
I am using neovim and tmux (with tmuxinator) on my M1 Macbook with iTerm2 or Warp ( as my terminal (i had been using Warp primarily until this issue and saw lots of references to iTerm2 which i tried but still had issues with). I have mapped my left option...
Then, restart Neovim and lazy.nvim will automatically install the plugin and configure the keybindings.tmuxTo configure the tmux side of this customization there are two options:Add a snippetAdd the following to your ~/.tmux.conf file:# Smart pane switching with awareness of Vim splits. # ...