也就是当我们在“hello”文本上执行“diw”命令的时候,undo中记录的并不是这个命令,而是hello这个文本的内容。当执行undo的时候,vim把这个保存的文本内容拷贝回去即可。这样做可以避免为每个操作记录对应的undo。也就是说,这里并不是基于命令字的undo,而是基于内容的undo(这个跟《设计模式》中的概念并不相同)。 int...
普通模式下 u 撤销 ctrl + r 反撤销
普通模式下 u 撤销 ctrl + r 反撤销
一.回滚(ROLLBACK)和撤销(UNDO) 回滚和前滚是保证Oracle数据库中的数据处于一致性状态的重要手段. 在9i版本以前 Oracle使用数据库中的回滚段来实现未提交数据或因系统故障导致实 ... Maya cmds pymel scriptJob() 和 undoInfo() 在回调中撤销(undo) Maya cmds pymel scriptJob() 和 undoInfo() 在回调中撤销(...
Redo Multiple Changes To redo multiple undoes, use the following: [number] Ctrl+r For example, to restore three previous changes, press: 3 Ctrl +r List and Access Undo Branches in Vim/Vi In Vim, undo branches occur when you undo changes and then make a new edit, creating a separate pa...
Vim还支持撤消分支,可以查看这里。 译文链接:How to Undo and Redo in Vi / Vim 如果想了解更多Linux中命令使用,可以下载Linux命令中文手册,关注我后,公号里面回复“命令”即可下载。 公众号中回复:“kail” ,《Kali Linux无线网络渗透测试详解》 PDF电子书免费下载 ...
6. Example about using undo branches in Vim 7. How to undo and redo in Vim 3? 8. Plugins 9. The Bottom Line If you do any kind of text editing on the Linux command line including editing configuration files, you will probably meet up with Vi or Vim. Considering, Vim is the modern...
u key for undo and Ctrl+r for redo, that's all you need to do for undo and redo changes in Vim. Here's how it works.Made a mistake while editing a file with Vim? Don't worry, you can undo the changes in Vim and if you want, you can redo the changes as well. And it's ...
vi/vim editor FAQ: How do I undo and redo changes in the vi and vim editors? Solution The solutions are: Undo changes in vim with the u command in command mode redo changes using the [Ctrl][r] keystroke See below for more details. vim undo (how to undo a change in vi/vim) You...
Today I learned about Vim undo and redo. Undo changes: in normal mode: u to undo latest change, U to undo all changes in Ex mode (command mode): :u to undo latest change Use :u {N} to undo a number of changes. For example, :undo 5 reverts the latest 5 ch