set number Well that was easy. You'll start seeing line numbers right away. The only problem is that the next time you open vim the line numbers will be gone and you'll have to google how to do this again and then type the command every time. Luckily there's a way to make setting...
Hybrid line numbering is a blend of absolute and relative numbering. It employs relative line numbering for everything except the cursor line, which is denoted by its absolute number instead of zero. To, turn off Hybrid Line Numbers: 1. Move to command mode(Esc). 2. Start by typing:(colo...
Turn on line numbers (Tools -> Options -> Text Editor -> General -> Line Numbers) Turning off scrollbars tends to be the most surprising setting for people used to using a mouse. You'll find that you don't actually use the scrollbars too often and the times you do want to scroll ...
" Indent automatically depending on filetype filetype indent on set autoindent " Turn on line numbering. Turn it off with "set nonu" set number " Set syntax on syntax on " Case insensitive search set ic " Higlhight search set hls " Wrap text instead of being on one line set lbr " ...
" turn absolute line numbers on :set number :set nu " turn absolute line numbers off :set nonumber :set nonu " toggle absolute line numbers :set number! :set nu! Besides being useful for finding a line from a stack trace or a test result, you can use line numbers to help you ju...
The same nifty trick applies forrelativenumber: If the relative line numbers are turned off, you can turn them on using ':set relativenumber!' or with ':set rnu!' command for short. If the relative line numbers are already toggled, setting this option will disable relative line numbers. ...
To turn on line number highlighting by default Addlet g:gitgutter_highlight_linenrs = 1to your~/.vimrc. To turn off asynchronous updates By default diffs are run asynchronously. To run diffs synchronously instead: letg:gitgutter_async=0 ...
" turn on this option as well set background=dark " Uncomment the following to have Vim jump to the last position when " reopening a file if has("autocmd") au BufReadPost * if line("'\"") > 1 && line("'\"") <= line("$") | exe "normal! g'\"" | endif ...
Take a look at the position of the cursor in the image above. This position is marked as0. Accordingly, lines above and under the cursor are labeled as1, the next ones2and so on. Turn off Relative Line Numbers 1. Switch to normal mode withEsc. ...
let g:ycm_auto_trigger=0"turn off let g:ycm_auto_trigger=1"turn on 支持vim8的补全插件 YouCompleteMe实际上是使用jedi-vim来补全python代码的,如果觉得YCM实在太重,可以使用支持vim8的maralla/completor.vim来补全代码: 下载: 1 Plugin'maralla/completor.vim' ...