vim.searchHighlightColor Background color of non-current search matches String findMatchHighlightBackground ThemeColor vim.searchHighlightTextColor Foreground color of non-current search matches String None vim.searchMatchColor Background color of current search match String findMatchBackground ThemeColor ...
Bind ctrl+n to turn off search highlighting and <leader>w to save the current file:"vim.normalModeKeyBindingsNonRecursive": [ { "before":["<C-n>"], "commands": [ ":nohl", ] }, { "before": ["leader", "w"], "commands": [ "", ] } ]...
vim.searchHighlightColorSet the color of search highlightsStringeditor.findMatchHighlightBackground vim.startInInsertModeStart in Insert mode instead of Normal ModeBooleanfalse vim.gdefault/gflag in a substitute command replaces all occurrences in the line. Without this flag, replacement occurs only fo...
vim ~/.vimrc set nocompatible "Turn off compatibility mode with Vi set number "Show Line Numbers set nowrap "No automatic folding set showmatch "Display matching parentheses set encoding=utf-8 set fenc=utf-8 set mouse=a "To enable the mouse set hlsearch "Search highlight syntax enable "Synt...
. " Show line numbers set number " Set status line display set statusline=%F%m%r%h%w\ FORMAT=%{&ff}\ TYPE=%Y\ POS=%l,%v\ BUFFER=%n\ %{strftime('%c')} " Encoding set encoding=utf-8 " Highlight matching search patterns set hlsearch " Enable incremental search set incsearch " ...
Quick-scope determines the highlighting mode (always on, vs highlight on key press) when the plugin is initialized. This means that if you want highlight on keys functionality this value must be set before the plugin/quick_scope.vim file is sourced. For more details about it or details ...
This tip shows how to search using Vim, including use of * (the super star) to search for the current word. Search options are described, and the see also section links to other useful searching tips. In normal mode you can search forwards by pressing /
二、配置 1.下载monokai(,然后将Monokai.vim保存...
" "Highlight search results " set hlsearch " " "Makes search act like search in modern browsers " set incsearch " " "Don't redrawwhileexecuting macros (good performance config) " set lazyredraw " " "For regular expressions turn magic on ...
to disable the highlight search by :nohlsearch or :nohls for short. In UNIX systems, you can copy and paste a whole paragraph by marking the text with mouse and pasting with middle button of mouse, between terminals. It is better to turn off the formatting capability of Vim ...