" vim还提 供了patchmode,这个会把第一次的原始文件备份下来,不会改动 " set patchmode=.orig "保存原始文件为 文件名.orig (keep orignal file as filename.orig)syntaxon " 自动语法高亮,会覆盖已有的颜色 syntax enable " 打开语法的颜色显示 (turn on syntax color) , 只会设置没有设置过的组 filetype...
" Solution from https://superuser.com/questions/ " 1284561/why-is-vim-starting-in-replace-mode " by Zoran Bikicki 之后再次进入 vim 就正常了。 在~/.vim/vimrc中加入基础常用设置 修复vim 启动后进入-- REPLACE --模式 " fix vim starting in -- REPLACE -- mode set ambw=double 首先,把这个...
:syntax enable -> 打开语法的颜色显示 (turn on syntax color) :syntax clear -> 关闭语法颜色 (remove syntax color) :syntax off -> 完全关闭全部语法功能 (turn off syntax) :syntax manual -> 手动设定语法 (set the syntax manual, when need syntax use :set syntax=ON) 输入特殊字符 (special char...
Editor hangs when executing :r !date in normal mode #9238 openedSep 3, 2024bylucmann Vim unexpectedly turns into visual mode for adjacent snippet placeholders #9236 openedSep 2, 2024byadong660 1 support change normal mode statusbar color to the value defined in current color theme ...
Change the color of the status bar based on the current mode. Once enabled, configure"vim.statusBarColors". Colors can be defined for each mode either asstring(background only), orstring[](background, foreground). "vim.statusBarColorControl":true,"vim.statusBarColors.normal": ["#8FBCBB...
下面以 /usr/share/vim/vim82/ftplugin.vim 中通过 colorscheme color_demo 来加载位于 colors 目录下的配色方案 —— color_demo默认情况打开 1.go在/usr/share/vim/vim82/ftplugin.vim 中添加指令再次打开 1.go经过测试,可以在任意被加载的配置文件中加载其他配置文件 ...
:syntax clear -> 关闭语法颜色 (remove syntax color) :syntax off -> 完全关闭全部语法功能 (turn off syntax) :syntax manual -> 手动设定语法 (set the syntax manual, when need syntax use :set syntax=ON) 输入特殊字符 (special character) ...
安装插件首先安装vim最新版和bundle插件(链接)修改配置 cat ~/.vimrc " 剪贴板设为系统 set clipboard=unnamedplus " 打开鼠标控制 set mouse=a set backspace=2 filetype off " required" runtime! debian.vim " 开始插件配置啦 set rtp+=~/.vim/bundle/Vundle.vim call vundle#begin() Plugin 'Vu 超级...
Turn the highlighting on and off with a user command::QuickScopeToggle Or create a custom mapping for the toggle." Your .vimrc " Map the leader key + q to toggle quick-scope's highlighting in normal/visual mode. " Note that you must use nmap/xmap instead of their non-recursive ...
syntax off"Not 'syntax clear' (which does something else)else syntax enable"Not 'syntax on' (which overrides colorscheme)endif 不幸的是,Vimscript 字符串也可以以双引号开头并且始终优先于注释。这意味着不能把注释放到可能需要使用字符串的位置,因为注释将始终被解释为字符串: ...