highlight SystemVerilogKeyword guifg=Blue guibg=None highlight UVMKeyword guifg=DarkGreen guibg=None 除了关键词,我们还可以配置注释、字符串、预处理器指令等其他元素的高亮。例如: vim syntax region SystemVerilogComment start=// end=$ contains=SystemVerilogPreproc syntax region SystemVerilogMultilineComme...
ale_set_highlight = 0 let g:ale_sign_error = '>>' let g:ale_sign_warning = '---' let b:ale_linters = {'verilog':['hdl_checker', 'iverilog']} nmap ap <Plug>(ale_previous_wrap) nmap an <Plug>(ale_next_wrap) "nerdtree "autocmd VimEnter * NERDTree "auto open nerdtree ...
These regions are highlighted using Vim’s SystemVerilog syntax highlighting support (included in Vim’s runtime distribution as the systemverilog file type). The second type of region is marked at its start with the line \TLV, these regions contain lines of Transaction-Level Verilog code. This...
Vim Syntax Plugin for Verilog and SystemVerilog About Based on script originally found at: http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=1586 IMPORTANT NOTICE Version 3.0 reviews the configuration variables used in this plugin. As such, take into account that the following variables were deprec...
syntax.vim sysctl.vim systemd.vim systemverilog.vim tads.vim tags.vim tak.vim takcmp.vim takout.vim tap.vim tar.vim taskdata.vim taskedit.vim tasm.vim tcl.vim tcsh.vim template.vim teraterm.vim terminfo.vim terraform.vim tex.vim texinfo.vim texmf.vim tf.vim thrift.vim tiasm.vim tidy...
~/.vim/syntax/c.vim 在其中加入 "=== " Highlight All Function "=== synmatchcFunction"\<[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*\>[^()]*)("me=e-2 synmatchcFunction"\<[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*\>\s*("me=e-1 hicFunctiongui=NONEguifg=#B5A1FF "===...
支持systemverilog,UVM语法高亮,并支持相应的语法缩进,支持NERDTree的gvim配置 上传者:weixin_42264693时间:2023-08-10 Delphi Memo语法高亮 Delphi,C++builder,Memo语法高亮 上传者:Yethrong时间:2010-04-05 实现语法高亮显示的VC代码 一个实现很多语言的语法高亮显示(包括C++、Java等)的源码。实现语法高亮显示主要由四...
"带有如下符号的单词不要被换行分割setiskeyword+=_,$,@,%,#,-"语法高亮syntax on"高亮字符,让其不受100列限制:highlight OverLength ctermbg=red ctermfg=white guibg=red guifg=white :match OverLength'\%101v.*'"状态行颜色highlight StatusLine guifg=SlateBlue guibg=Yellow...
HighlightConsistent syntax highlighting.require'nvim-treesitter.configs'.setup { highlight = { enable = true, -- Setting this to true will run `:h syntax` and tree-sitter at the same time. -- Set this to `true` if you depend on 'syntax' being enabled (like for indentation). -- ...
" for verilog syntax highlight :au BufReadPost * if exists("b:current_syntax") :au BufReadPost * if b:current_syntax == "verilog" :au BufReadPost * set sw=4 :au BufReadPost * syntax on :au BufReadPost * endif :au BufReadPost * endif ...