next char is the first char of the whole match. |/zero-width| Example: /^\s*\zsif matches an "if" at the start of a line, ignoring white space. Can be used multiple times, the last one encountered in a matching branch is used. Example: /\(.\{-}\zsFab\)\{3} Finds the thir...
at the bottomofthe window.Insert mode In Insert mode the text you type is inserted into the buffer.See Insert-mode.If the'showmode'option is on"-- INSERT --"is shown at the bottomofthe window.Command-line mode In Command-linemode(also called Cmdline mode)you Cmdline mode can enter one...
** Type d$ to delete to the end of the line. ** 1. Press <ESC> to make sure you are in Normal mode. 2. Move the cursor to the line below marked --->. 3. Move the cursor to the end of the correct line (AFTER the first . ). 4. Type d$ to delete to the end of the...
Ctrl - A Start of line Ctrl - E End of line Ctrl - K Delete to end of line Ctrl - F ...
<leader><leader><leader> bdjk Start of line <leader><leader><leader> j JumpToAnywhere motion; default behavior matches beginning & ending of word, camelCase, after _ and after #<leader><leader> (2s|2f|2F|2t|2T) <char><char> and <leader><leader><leader> bd2t <char>char> are also...
"andendoflinesettingsbacktowhattheywerebefore,remove "theautocmds,andreplacebufferwithitsbinaryvalue letb:undo_ftplugin='setlbin"|execute"silent%!xxd-r"' 打开一个文件,然后执行 :set ft。记下文件类型。然后执行 :set ft=xxd。Vim就会变成一个十六进制编辑器。要恢复原来的视图,只需 :set fo=foo,其...
NOTE: The letter d will appear on the last line of the screen as you type it. Vim is waiting for you to type w . If you see another character than d you typed something wrong; press <ESC> and start over. 注: 当你键入d时,字d 会在屏幕最低处显示,此时VIM在等待你键入w。 当你错误...
"插入模式下使用 <BS>、<Del> <C-W> <C-U>setbackspace=indent,eol,start" 标签页 set tabpagemax=20 set showtabline=2 "缩进 智能对齐方式setautoindentsetsmartindent" 自动重新读入 set autoread "代码折叠"设置折叠模式 set foldcolumn=4
letg:EasyMotion_startofline = 0" keep cursor column when JK motion nmap s <Plug>(easymotion-overwin-f) nmap s <Plug>(easymotion-overwin-f2) map / <Plug>(easymotion-sn) omap / <Plug>(easymotion-tn) map n <Plug>(easymotion-next) ...
"andendoflinesettingsbacktowhat they werebefore, remove " the autocmds, and replace buffer with its binary value let b:undo_ftplugin = 'setl bin< eol< | execute "au! ftplugin-xxd * <buffer>" | execute "silent %!xxd -r"' 打开一个文件,然后执行 :set ft。记下文件类型。然后执行 :set...