I know how to comment a line in vim by doingShift-I-//. This ends up in something like: //int a = 1; Instead, I would like to put comment in the very beginning of line, like: // int a = 1; Currently I can do this by0-i-//. May I ask for a shortcut like i....
<M-p>: Toggle Autopairs (g:AutoPairsShortcutToggle) <M-e>: Fast Wrap (g:AutoPairsShortcutFastWrap) <M-n>: Jump to next closed pair (g:AutoPairsShortcutJump) <M-b>: BackInsert (g:AutoPairsShortcutBackInsert) <M-(> / <M-)> / <M-[> / <M-]> / <M-{> / <M-}> / ...
The VIM scroll to top shortcut is gg, if you want it, you can change Logseq gg shortcut to another one, and set gg in plugin settings JSON file. Some shortcuts support VIM-like combo actions, that means pressing N+action to run action N times. The join shortcuts can only join sibl...
" Map IDE actions to IdeaVim: https://jb.gg/abva4t"Findmoreexampleshere:https://jb.gg/share-ideavimrc"==="IdeaShortcutConflictssethandler<C-2>a:vimsethandler<C-S-2>a:vimsethandler<C-6>a:vimsethandler<C-S-6>a:vimsethandler<C-A>a:vimsethandler<C-B>a:vimsethandler<C-C>a:v...
user_emmet_mode='i' " enable for insert mode " Search results high light set hlsearch " nohlsearch shortcut nmap -hl :nohlsearch<cr> nmap +hl :set hlsearch<cr> " Javascript syntax hightlight syntax enable " YouCompleteMe let g:ycm_autoclose_preview_window_after_completion=1 nnoremap <...
On Windows, ctrl-d. gb, a new shortcut we added which is equivalent to cmd-d (OSX) or ctrl-d (Windows). It adds another cursor at the next word that matches the word the cursor is currently on. Running "Add Cursor Above/Below" or the shortcut on any platform....
:'a,'bs/from/to/g 把从a标记的行到b标记的行(包含a和b行)中全部from替换成to,注意是单引号不是倒引号 :[range]g/{pattern}/{command} 在range范围内找到匹配pattern的行然后执行command命令 这里的command必须是:开头的命令,而不能直接使用normal模式下的命令,除非使用|:normal| ...
Vim: handle it as a Vim shortcut. Editing modes With Vim, the caret is a block when you are in the Normal mode: To change to the Insert mode, press i, and the cursor will become a line: In this mode you can type new code or change existing code. You can also enter other ...
This one is similar to Method 2 but slightly different. Step 1:Open the file in vim editor. $ vim ostechnix.txt Step 2:Set line numbers by typing: :set number Step 3:Type the following to comment out the lines. :1,4s/^/# / ...
" 高亮显示匹配括号sethlsearch" 高亮查找匹配setcursorline" 高亮显示当前行settermguicolors" 启用终端真色setshowmatch" 显示匹配setruler" 显示标尺,在右下角显示光标位置setnovisualbell" 不要闪烁setshowcmd" 显示输入的命令" 设置光标样式let&t_SI="\<Esc>]50;CursorShape=1\x7"let&t_SR="\<Esc>]50;...