This article contains the explanation of tab multiple lines in Vim at once. We have discussed three different ways to tab multiple lines, i.e., using shift+dot, using “>”, and range command in forward and backward direction. So, this article is a bundle of all methods to perform multi...
Change part of a function name in multiple occurrences Basic renumbering move titles next to url, in quotes Team names Collect List convert yml into java pojo field Array transposition V to the i Convert Application Output to CSV Every other line Build a six Copy three lines Reformat/Refactor ...
not Gvim or MacVim) then it's likely that the Shift-TAB binding will not work because the console will not pass it to Vim. You can remap the keys; see theOptionssection below.
:tabdo command - run the command on all tabs (e.g. :tabdo q - closes all opened tabs) Working with multiple files :e[dit] file - edit a file in a new buffer :bn[ext] or :bn - go to the next buffer :bp[revious] or :bp - go to the previous buffer :bd[elete] - delete...
E.g. tabnr if used with tabs. on_click = nil, -- takes a function that is called when component is clicked with mouse. -- the function receives several arguments -- - number of clicks in case of multiple clicks -- - mouse button used (l(left)/r(right)/m(middle)/...) -- -...
但是, 要注意, multiple-cursor的操作, 并不是vim中的所有命令, 比如 "r" 命令, 会报错说: key "r" cannot be replayed at 4 cursor locations. replay(重播, 重放, 重复出现的事物) 好像, 一定要经过插入模式 , 也就是 可以有两种操作方法, 一种是 先d, 然后i, 另一种是s. 要能出现: -- ( in...
set listchars=tab:>-,trail:- " TAB会被显示成 ">—" 而行尾多余的空白字符显示成 "-"。 "set nolist " 不显示制表格^I、结尾符$ "set nowrap " 不自动换行 dont wrap lines " "制表符号高亮 " highlight tabSpace term=bold ctermbg=green guibg=green ...
ShiftQuote StringManipulation.ShuffleLinesAction StringManipulation.Sort StringManipulation.SortLinesBySubSelectionAction StringManipulation.SortTokens StringManipulation.SwitchFilePathSeparators StringManipulation.SwitchStyleAction StringManipulation.SwitchStyleAction.Reverse StringManipulation.ToCamelCase ...
2、游标移动 左右下 k 上 移动到下一个单词 移动到上一个单词 3、进入插入模式 在当前光标处进行编辑 在行首插入 在行末插入 在光标后插入编辑 在当前行后插入一...
Draw with mouse: boxes, arrows, lines, fills. Transparent/opaque drag and drop.照着它的教程做一遍,你就会震撼于它的创意了。 DrawIt.vim ** http://www./scripts/script.php?script_id=40 可以方便的画连线图。 MultipleSearch *** http://www./scripts/script.php?script_id=479 ...