Check out the Trending vim color schemes! | vimcolorschemes is the ultimate resource for vim users to find the perfect color scheme for their favorite development environment. Come for the hundreds of vim color schemes, stay for the awesome hjkl spatial
-- Lua配置随机颜色random_color={'kanagawa','gruvbox','nord','tokyodark','neon','leaf','adwai...
.vimc添加即可 trycolorschemehabamaxletg:airline_theme='base16'catch vimrc 中,记得airline主题设置... :hi/highlight 命令,可查看当前 vim 的颜色配置 :help hi/highlight 显示帮助文件(syntax.txt)内容 可访问官方在线版 http://vimdoc.sourceforge.NET/htmldoc/syntax.html ,介绍了颜色配置脚本中关键字的含义和使用方法 相同配色 ...
set nu "行号 syntaxon"语法高亮 set ruler "显示当前行和列setshowcmd "显示部分命令 set showmode "最后一行显示当前模式 "set match "显示括号匹配 "---display--- "---input---setsmartindent "自动缩进 set expandtab "将tab转化为空格setsmarttab "插入tab使用shiftwidth set shiftwidth=...
happy hackingFairly small set of colors instead of throwing rainbows at your face✓✓ IcebergDark blue color scheme✓✓ papercolorLight and Dark color schemes inspired by Google's Material Design✓✓ parsecColor scheme for people tired of solarized✓ (16)✓ ...
" Optional contrast schemes "{{{ " --- if g:solarized_contrast == "high" let s:base01 = s:base00 let s:base00 = s:base0 let s:base0 = s:base1 let s:base1 = s:base2 let s:base2 = s:base3 let s:back = s:back endif if g:solarized_contrast == "low"...
Colortemplate is a 100% VimScript plugin for Vim 8 or later, which makes it easy to develop color schemes. Its ambitious goal is to becometheway to create new color schemes for Vim! Features Generates color schemes that support all environments, from black&white to millions of colors, and...
onehalf light is available in both light and dark color schemes The theme supports an array of terminals and editors offering consistent color theme Cons None found 5. Dracula Draculais a dark theme for Vim, Emacs, Brackets, Atom, Alfred, Notepad++, iTerm, TextMate, Gedit, LightPaper, and ...
默认是ruler显示setshowmodesetnoshowmode 设置是否在左下角显示如“一INSERT--”之类的状态栏。默认是showmode显示:setpaste "复制粘贴:setcursorline "当前行显示横线:setnumber " 显示行号:setnonumber " 关闭行号:setbackground=dark “ 设置背景颜色:setguifont=consolas:h14 " 设置字体为 consolas,字号为14:...