Select all occurrences of "print": ms/print<Enter> Create cursors at each word start in selection: msw Add cursors at specific positions: Move cursor to desired position Type mcc to add a cursor highlight Repeat for more positions Type mcr to convert highlights into editing cursorsOptional ...
Ctrl+nNormal/Visualselect the word under cursor <Leader>+ANormal/Visualselect all occurrences of the word/selection Ctrl+<LeftClick>Normaladd a single cursor at current position <Leader>+<Space>Normal/Visualadd a cursor or create cursors vertically ...
Replacenewwordwith the replacement text. Thegflag ensures all occurrences in each line are replaced. For example, to replace all instances ofdebugwithlog, run: :%s/debug/log/gCopy To confirm each replacement before it occurs, add thecflag: :%s/debug/log/gcCopy Search Within Specific Range o...
SelectAllOccurrences <A-C-S-J> SelectBuildVariant SelectIn <A-F1> SelectInProjectView SelectInRemoteHost SelectNextOccurrence <A-J> SendEOF <C-D> SendFeedback SendToFavoritesGroup SequencePlugin.ShowSequenceDiagram Servers.Deploy Servers.DeployWithDebug Servers.Undeploy ServersToolWin...
TableResult.SelectAllOccurrences <C-S-L> <C-F2> TableResult.SelectColumn <A-S-Right> TableResult.SelectNextOccurrence <C-D> <C-F3> TableResult.ShrinkSelection <C-S-W> TableResult.UnselectPreviousOccurrence TabList TabsActions task.actions tasks.analyze.stacktrace tasks.and.context...
See also stackoverflow: find all occurrences and replace with user input.Miscellaneous\%V match inside the visual area only s/\%V10/20/g replaces 10 with 20 only inside the visual area without \%V, the replacement would happen anywhere on the lines covered by the visual selection \%[...
[e] When the search pattern fails, do not issue an error message and, in particular, continue in maps as if no error occurred. [g] Replace all occurrences in the line. Without this argument, replacement occurs only for the first occurrence in each line. [i] Ignore case for the pattern...
an all-purpose editor. The approximate time required to complete the tutor is30minutes, depending upon how much time is spent with experimentation. ATTENTION: The commandsinthe lessons will modify the text. Make a copy of this file to practice on (if you started"vimtutor"this is already a ...
To find all occurrences of "error_string" in all C program files, for example, enter the following command::grep error_string *.c This causes vim to search for the string "error_string" in all the specified files (*.c). The editor will now open the first file where a match is ...