1. search and replace word under current cursor 需求:使用全局替换而不必手动输入当前光标处的字 使用vim inbuit key binding:<C-r><C-w> :%s/<C-r><C-w>/{your_new_word}/g#% takes the search globally. 2. search and replace in specified lines 需求:替换77到79行的122为245 :77,79 s/...
so I could simply run the command 10 times to deal with the first issue. However, I would greatly appreciate a way to solve both (in a finite number of steps that does not depend on the number of occurrences of the word that we search), because this would...
didn't know about the empty search string using the previous search. I would add though that search and replace is done so frequently that I would add some kind of mapping to do it for you such as: nmap <Leader>f :%s/\<<c-r>=expand("<cword>")<cr>\>/ That would search and r...
Using the current word or registers Edit :%s//bar/g Replace each match of the last search pattern with 'bar'. For example, you might first place the cursor on the wordfoothen press*to search for that word. The above substitute would then change all words exactly matching 'foo' to 'bar...
g CTRL-G -> 计算当前编译的文件的字数等信息 (word count on current buffer) !!date -> 插入当前时间 (insert current date) 多个文件的编辑 (edit multifiles) vim可以编辑多个文件,例如 vim a.txt b.txt c.txt 就打开了3个文件 :next -> 编辑下一个文件 (next file in buffer) ...
(w: word)W# 移动到下一个空格分隔的单词开头(W: Word)e# 移动到下一个标点或空格分隔的单词尾部(e: end)E# 移动到下一个空格分隔的单词尾部(E: End)b# 移动到上一个标点或空格分隔的单词开头(b: backward)B# 移动到上一个空格分隔的单词开头(B: Backward)# --- 块级移动 ---0# 跳到行首,数...
vim find and delete (search and delete) Instead of using that syntax to perform a vim find and replace operation, you can also use it to perform a vim find and delete operation. For example, if you just want to delete every occurrence of the string "George Bush" in your current file,...
find/to forward/backward {character} on the current line ,/;for navigating matches Search:/{regex},n/Nfor navigating matches 命令行模式的参数如下所示: :q quit (close window) :w save (“write”) :wq save and quit :e {name of file} open file for editing ...
lesson1:move cursor and insert text on operator and motion: operator number(times) motion(basic motion) lesson2:delete texts and undo lesson3:change texts lesson4:search and replace text/status/match lesson5: read and write files selecting text to write(with v mode) ...
g CTRL-G -> 计算当前编译的文件的字数等信息 (word count on current buffer) !!date -> 插入当前时间 (insert current date) 多个文件的编辑 (edit multifiles) vim可以编辑多个文件,例如 vim a.txt b.txt c.txt 就打开了3个文件 :next -> 编辑下一个文件 (next file in buffer) ...