这将保存所做的更改并退出Vim。 3. Alternatively, you can also use :x command to save and exit Vim. Simply type :x and press Enter. 如果您不想保存更改并直接退出,请使用以下命令: 1. 按下Esc键,确保正处于命令模式; 2. 输入:q!,然后按下Enter键。这将强制退出而不保存任何更改。 除了上述方法,...
:exitsave and exit (similar to :x) vim command to edit file Press theikey in "normal mode" to start editing the file. vim command to go to the end of the file Type capitalGorshift+gto go to the end of the file in vim. vim command to go to top of file Typeggor1Gto go to th...
(find the match pater and execute a command) global具体自行方法是g/pattern/command :g/abc/p-> 查找并显示出只有abc的行 (only print line with “abc” ) :g/abc/d-> 删除所有有abc的行 (delete all line with “abc”) :v/abc/d-> 这个会把凡是不是行里没有abc的都删掉 (delete all line...
:wqall -> 保存并退出所有屏 (write and quite all windows) :qall! -> 退出所有屏,不保存任何变动 (quite all windows without save) 开启文件的时候,利用 -o选项,就可以直接开启多个文件在分屏中 (with -o option from command line, it will open files and display in split mode) vim -o a.txt ...
在vim中执行bash命令:!command回车就可以返回vim 在bash中返回上一次的路径 cd - vim常用快捷键 normal mode vim技巧: 如果要讲vim里的一个a字符改成c——讲光标移到a处,然后按r放开后再按c。 注释一行——ctrl+c 注释一块:块选然后ctrl+c 取消就是一个u ...
:tabc[lose] - close the current tab and all its windows :tabo[nly] - close all tabs except for the current one :tabdo command - run thecommandon all tabs (e.g.:tabdo q- closes all opened tabs) Working with multiple files
To save your changes and stay in the file, pressESCto switch back to command mode, then type:wand hitEnter. To save and exit Vim, type:wq. If you want to exit without saving, type:q!. # In Vim command mode:w :wq :q! Bash ...
130个你需要了解的VIM命令,基础:efilenameOpen filename foredition:wSavefile:qExitVim:q!Quitwithoutsaving:xWritefile(ifchangeshasbeenmade)andexit:savfilenameSavesfileas filena...
First, press the Esc key a few times. This will ensureviis out of Insert mode and in Command mode. 首先,按几次Esc键。 这将确保vi退出插入模式和命令模式。 Second, type:q!and press Enter. This tellsvito quit without saving any changes. (If you do want to save your changes, type:wqinst...
Hit the Esc key to enter "Normal mode". Then you can type : to enter "Command-line mode". A colon (:) will appear at the bottom of the screen and you can type in one of the following commands. To execute a command, press the Enter key. ...