See YCM's own.ycm_extra_conf.pyfor details on how this works. You should be able to use itas a starting point.Don'tjust copy/paste that file somewhere and expect things to magically work;your project needs different flags. Hint: just replace the strings in theflagsvariable with compilation...
'status' (default): Replace the status-line for off-screen matches. If a match is off of the screen, the line belonging to that match will be displayed syntax-highlighted in the status line along with the line number (if line numbers are enabled). If the match is above the screen bord...
require('lualine').setup { options = { fmt = string.lower }, sections = { lualine_a = { { 'mode', fmt = function(str) return str:sub(1,1) end } }, lualine_b = {'branch'} } }mode will be formatted with the passed function so only first char will be shown . On the ...
To delete a range of lines, useEscto switch to normal mode in Vim and run the following command: :[from],[to]d Replace[from]with the number of the line where you want the range to start and[to]where you want it to end. For instance, if you want to remove lines two, three, fo...
For this example, I made sure that the string 'Hello' occurred several times in at least one line and multiple times in the file. I want to replace 'Hello' with the string 'HI'. Below is the Vim command to do that: :%s/Hello/HI/g ...
For example, to replace all occurrences oftestwithexambetween lines 10 and 20, run: :10,20s/test/exam/gCopy Search in Multiple Files Searching for matching patterns across files is useful when working on large codebases or searching through logs spread across multiple files. It allows users to...
" and prompt for a pattern with which to replace it. " <Leader>vo - Select the files to search in and set grep options " <Leader>vy* - Invoke any option from the options explorer, where * is the " shortcut for that option. ...
4yy- yank 4 lines (along with the newline character) y$- yank from the current cursor location to the end of the line Cut in Vim Deleting text with 'd' deletes text, but it also copies it to your clipboard. That means whatever text you deleted with the 'd' key, it is also "...
(vim.api.nvim_replace_termcodes('<Plug>luasnip-jump-prev', true, true, true), '') else fallback() end end }, sources = { {name = "nvim_lsp"}, {name = "luasnip"}, --{name = "nvim_lua"}, { name = "buffer", options = { get_bufnrs = function() return vim.api.n...
Since you want to delete stuff, you'll replace command in the string above with d. Regarding the pattern, you can use any valid regular expression to match the lines you need to remove in a file. For example, to delete lines containing the word "delete," enter the following: :g/delete...